Patient History Form

Lots of love and attention will be given to your furry friend while they're in our care! Please fill this form out completely and accurately and please be able to answer your phone during this appointment. The more attention you pay to this form now, the more time your Vet can dedicate to consulting with you! Thank you!
* Indicates required information
Primary Contact Name(Required)
If you've had recent exposure or clinical signs associated with COVID-19, please be responsible and send someone else to drop-off and pick-up your pet or reschedule for a later date. This is extremely important for the safety of our staff and other clients. We greatly appreciate your honesty and empathy. We agree with your pet, you're the best.
Please list any and all prescription medications your pet is currently receiving (including dosage and when last given). Please click the green plus sign to add another medication. We know this can be a pain, but honestly it can be really important for us to know. If your pet is currently not receiving any prescription meds, please type "none".(Required)
Please only click "Submit" once and do not leave this page! This may take a few seconds. From everyone at PAZ - Thank You!
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